What is your sabeteur saying?

In the coaching I do with clients (from all over the world as I do telephone coaching as well as face-to-face coaching), I introduce the concept of 'the sabeteur'. The sabeteur is the part of us that wants to keep us fearful and stuck - it is the bit of us that sabatoges our happiness and well-being. I've found that, when people are struggling with the baby decision, the sabeteur comes out very strongly. Maybe it says 'You would be a terrible mother anyway - if you had kids' or perhaps it says 'If you don't have kids, you'll grow old and lonely.'

I get clients to give their sabeteur a personna - identify it, find out what it says and what triggers it. And then, we work to weaken it's grip - so that you can make the decision from a place of power and confidence - instead of a fearful place.


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