It never rains....

but pours. An article about me and what I do has appeared in the Evening Standard today!

More and more people are taking the conscious step to think carefully about this decision - and I think the interest in my work reflects this.

Anyway, in other news, I'm currently on holiday in Canada - taking some much needed time off from coaching! I did lead a Polarity and Wholeness workshop while I was here however - which was great. I use polarity coaching techniques when working with women who are trying to make the decision to have children or not. A common polarity women often struggle with is the polarity of 'known' vs 'unknown'. There are many things in life we don't always know - we can't always be 100% sure of everything and sometimes we have to be willing to lean into the pole of the unknown. For instance, if you decide to become a parent there are many unknowns - if you will be able to get pregnant, what the birth will be like, how you will like being a parent, what personality your child will have. So we need to be able to deal with and actually embrace the unknown - as well as the known.

In October, I'm leading a retreat in France with two wonderful colleagues - if you are interested in finding out more, please go to


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